Permakulturno in umetniško domačijo SAJAN je leta 2010 zasnoval ustvarjalni tandem in zakonski par Potočki, na delno zapuščeni zemlji svojih prednikov. Domačija se nahaja na obrobju Slovenskih Goric, nedaleč od slovensko-avstrijske meje na severovzhodnem koncu Slovenije. Od takrat domačija raste kot učna organska kmetija, s poudarkom na permakulturnem delovanju in ohranjanju naravnih habitatov ter avtohtonih vrst. Janja in Saša si s svojim delom prizadevata, da je domačija v nenehni ustvarjalni in ekperimentalni dinamiki. Nastajanje in oskrbovanje stavb in posestva je financirano izključno iz zasebnih virov lastnikov.
Društvo za sonaravno in ustvarjalno bivanje Sajan
Društvo za sonaravno in ustvarjalno bivanje Sajan je nevladna, neprofitna organizacija, ustanovljena 2016 z namenom druženja ljubiteljev naravovarstva ter sonaravnih, trajnostnih pristopov bivanja in ustvarjanja ter tako prispevati k širjenju okoljevarstvene zavesti v domačem okolju. Organizacija v sodelovanju z domačijo SAJAN (kjer je locirana). V sklopu društva potekajo umetniško - ročnodelske, permakulturne aktivnosti: ustvarjalne delavnice (glina, mozaiki), poučne delavnice (vikendi permakulture), tečaji za izdelavo domače kozmetike (mila, kreme, deodoranti, toniki) ter meditacijski večeri.
Homestead Sajan
Organic and artistic homestead SAJAN was established in 2010 by a creative tandem and married couple Saša & Janja R. Potočki, on a foundation of partly abandoned farm in the northern-eastern part of Slovenia. Homestead SAJAN acts as an educational organic farm with the emphasis on permaculture agriculture and preservation of natural habitats and indigenous species. Its founders also act as eco-artist, so the homestead is always in a creative and experimental dynamic.
Association for sustainable and creative life Sajan
Association for sustainable and creative life Sajan is a non-government, non-profit organization working with the aim of encouraging and educating people about sustainable, alternative lifestyle possibilities with a note of creativity. The organisation was established in 2016. Program of the Association includes: events, workshops on organic gardening, recycling (wood, ceramics, etc.) renewable energies, sustainable ways of living, sharing experiences and social wellbeing. Aim of the association is also to explore potentials of abandoned farms and by doing that encourage (young) people to take responsibility for their empowerment and care on all levels of living.
The Association is located on homestead SAJAN.
ESC volunteering projects 2018, 2019, 2020
May-September 2019
ESC volunteering projects "Earth stories" and eco: ART: Interactions for Diversity I and II were focused on sustainability, permaculture and eco-art, with a goal to spread an eco-creative initiative in rural environment where the Association (Društvo za sonaravno in ustvarjalno bivanje Sajan) operates and also wider.
The projects were based on the idea that every individual can contribute to the preservation and regeneration of the environment by introducing sustainable practices into everyday life. It is therefore important that the idea and approaches of sustainable lifestyle practices are expanded and passed to younger generations.
We hosted two European volunteers -every year which wereactively involved in eco-artistic work in Organisation. While staying on ecological and artistic homestead Sajan, volunteers were introduced to the basic working processes on eco-farm and actively involved in most projects on the homestead (eco-farming, permaculture design, natural building, eco art, self-sufficiency), they participated in permaculture and creative workshops (mosaics, clay and pottery, creatively with wood) in local environment. We spent a very creative time together!
The project also served as an example of good practice of non-formal and informal learning opportunities - how through volunteering projects young people get the possibility of active citizenship.
Projects were partly supported by the European Solidarity Corps - we are thankful to NA Movit to support our activities.