Organicosmosaic by SAJAN at ARTExpo Ljubljana 18.9.-1.10.2017
Saša and Janja, who go by the artistic name SAJAN, are a creative tandem and married couple. Their teamwork dates back to 2007. Since then, the stories that have emerged from the simplicity of everyday life and woven themselves into the search of one’s own essence intertwine in their mosaics. Further, their artwork is a reflection of the environmentally problematic: the intensively cultivated, sterilely unified, unnatural living spaces. As ecoartist, they organize workshops and meetings on the topic of sustainable living (permaculture, natural construction, use of natural materials in human everyday life, etc.), adding creative notes. "Trees grow slowly" is their current projecton on their homestead in Jakobski dol, Slovenia, manifesting in a XL-format mosaic (about 30m2), which is at the same time a tribute to nature and a green message to human kind.
TITLE: Equilibrium No.1, No. 2, No. 3, Synergy
TECHNIQUE: mosaic, mixed techniques
DIMENSIONS: 71 X 54 cm
YEAR: 2017
Pod imenom SAJAN nastopa ustvarjalni tandem in zakonski par, ki je za svoj vsakdan iz(u)bral sonaravno in ustvarjalno pot. Njuna dela so odziv na problematiko širšega prostora - intenzivno obdelanega, sterilno poenotenega nenaravnega bivanjskega okolja. Skupno ustvarjata od leta 2007, v svojih mozaikih prepletata zgodbe, ki vzniknejo iz običajnosti vsakdanjega življenja in se spletejo v iskanju lastnega bistva. Njuni večji prostorski umetniški elementi intuitivno prisostvujejo k zgodbi prostora. Kot ekoumetnika vodita sonaravne ustvarjalne delavnice na svojem posestvu v Jakobskem dolu.